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Expand the STC6000 Series with Ethernet I/O solution.
Use cases
Industrial Washing Machine
Control the speed of the conveyor via a stepper motor. Connect directly to a temperature controller using serial communication to provide details operator information.
65 kHz Pulse Output (build-in feature)
Packing machine
Create simple closed-loop applications by receiving encoder pulses and controlling a motor.Simplified speed control with direct user guidance
100 kHz High-Speed Counter (build-in feature)
HVAC control
Precise temperature and flow control thanks to analog IO and a robust PID algorithm. Recipe management allows users to select different profiles for flexibility.
Analog Input / Output (TM3 Module)
Adapt to changing systems by adding TM3 expansion IO modules. Flexibility is unmatched thanks for direct or networked operation plus a wide offer supporting different kinds of functions.
DIO Expansion Module (TM3 Module)
Pro-face Brand Concept : HMI Centric
What is HMI Centric
HMI Centric Solutions make the best of the human workforce with the digital technology. What is HMI Centric
[Article] Maximizing human empowerment is the shortcut to Smart Factories
We can let workers make full use of informatnly by using HMI as an operating termiandalso by taking advantage of its connectivity and placing it between OT and IT as a gateway to higher level systems. HMI Centric Solution